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England and Wales Cases

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# (A Child) [2010] EWMC 75 (FPC) (2010)      -----      1-6 Lansdowne Court
1-6 Moorcourt Moorcourt      -----      4 Southall Court
4 Southampton Road      -----      8 Pluto Road
8 Portland Place      -----      12 Nova Court
12 Oats Royd      -----      17 Winyate Hill
17 Wood Lane      -----      23A Primrose Gardens
23B & 23C      -----      32 Henryson Road
32 Howard Road      -----      42-48 Bell Street
42A Commercial Road      -----      57 Witcombe Point
57/59 Kitchener Road      -----      82 Frobisher Approach
82 Oxford House      -----      124 Queens Gate
124 Wrottesley Road      -----      341 Langsett Road
343 Langsett Road      -----      889457 Alberta Inc
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A v B      -----      A and B
A And B      -----      A (Domestic abuse:
A E EL      -----      A Mental Health
A v Metropolitan      -----      AA (Uganda) v
AA (USA) v      -----      Abballe (Trading As
Abbar & Anor      -----      Abraham v G.
Abraham Moon &      -----      Adams, R (on
Adams, Re In      -----      A-F (final order)(HHJ
AF v HS      -----      Ahmed v Governing
Ahmed v Habib      -----      Akcine Bendrove Bankas
Akdogan, R (on      -----      Albon (t/a N A Carriage Co) v Naza Motor Trading SDN BHD & Anor [2007] EWHC 9
Albon (t/a N A Carriage Co) v Naza Motor Trading SDN BHD & Anor [2007] EWHC 327      -----      Ali, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023]
Ali, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2024]      -----      Allman v Coroner
Allmark v Burnham      -----      AMCD (Property Holdings
AMD Environmental Ltd      -----      Anderson v R.
Anderson, R. v      -----      AP & Ors,
AP v AF      -----      Archer v Employment
Archer Ltd v      -----      Artist Court Collective
Artola v The      -----      Aslam v Aviva
Aslam, R v      -----      Atkinson v Kennedy
Atkinson v R.      -----      Attorney General's Reference Nos 83
Attorney General's Reference Nos 86,      -----      AWQ, R. v
Awuku v Secretary      -----      Azzurri Communications Ltd
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B v Cager      -----      B Osborn &
B v P      -----      Bailey & Ors, R
Bailey & Ors, R.      -----      Banbury Visionplus Ltd
Banca Carige SPA      -----      Barclays Bank Plc & Anor
Barclays Bank Plc & Ors      -----      Barratt Homes Ltd
Barratt Homes (Southern      -----      Bates v Rubython
Bates & Anor      -----      Beasley v National
Beat v Gopee      -----      Belmont Riding Centre
Belnavis, Re Setting      -----      Berry, R. v [1999]
Berry, R. v [2020]      -----      Bickford -Smith, R
Bickford-Smith, R (On      -----      Birmingham v Javed
Birmingham Mail v      -----      Bloom v HM
Blooman v Blooman      -----      Bombardier Transportation UK Ltd v London Underground Ltd &
Bombardier Transportation UK Ltd v London Underground Ltd [2019]      -----      Bovale Ltd, R
Bovale Ltd v      -----      Brake & Anor v Guy & Ors [2022] EWCA
Brake & Anor v Guy & Ors [2022] EWHC      -----      Brigade (BBS-TEK) Ltd
Briggs & Anor      -----      British Telecommunications Plc,
British Telecommunications PLC,      -----      Brown v MCASSO
Brown v Ministry      -----      Buddington, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2005] EWHC 2198 (Admin)
Buddington, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2005] EWHC 2198 (QB)      -----      Burrows v Secretary
Burrows v Smith      -----      BZQ v Overijssel
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C v B      -----      C (Interim threshold
C (Internal Relocation),      -----      Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council v RB
Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council v Secretary      -----      Canning v Criminal
Canning v HM      -----      Carr & Ors
Carr v Bemrose      -----      Cavanagh & Ors
Cavanagh, Application for      -----      CFL Finance Ltd v Laser
CFL Finance Ltd v Rubin      -----      Charles Eta &
Charles House &      -----      Chesterton Global Ltd
Chetwynd & Anor      -----      Christofi and Phottini
Christofi v National      -----      CL (Vietnam) v
Claimant v First      -----      Cleeland, R (on the application of) v Criminal Cases Review Commission [2014]
Cleeland, R (on the application of) v Criminal Cases Review Commission [2015]      -----      Cockbill v Riley
Cockburn, R v      -----      Comatra Ltd &
Comau UK Ltd      -----      Conor Engineering Ltd
Conor Medsystems Inc      -----      Copp, R (On
Coppage & Anor      -----      County of Herefordshire
Coupar v London      -----      Creasey & Anor
Create Financial Management      -----      Crown Prosecution Service
Crown Prosecution Services,      -----      Curtiss & Ors v Zurich Insurance Plc &
Curtiss & Ors v Zurich Insurance Plc [2022]      -----      Czyzyk v Regional
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D v E      -----      Dabycharun, R v
Dacorum Borough Council      -----      Darlington Borough Council
Darnitsa v Metabay      -----      Davis & Dann
Davis & Ors,      -----      Deane, R. v
Deans, R v      -----      Department for Work and
Department for Work And      -----      DH v RH (No 2)
DH v RH (No 4)      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) v Denning
Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) v Manchester      -----      DMA, R, (on
DMH Electrical (UK)      -----      Dorset County Council,
Dorset Court 211-213      -----      Drewett, R. v
Drews Park -      -----      Dunn v Parole
Dunn v R.      -----      Dzuibek v Circuit
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E v E      -----      East-West Logistics Llp
East-West Logistics LLP      -----      Edwards v London
Edwards v Martin      -----      Elizabeth Carol Shaw
Elizabeth Court (Bournemouth)      -----      Energy Venture Partners
Energy Works (Hull)      -----      ES, Re [2014]
ES v SS      -----      Evans v Bridgend
Evans v Cherry      -----      Ezz, R (on
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F v A      -----      Fairstate Ltd v
Fairstate Ltd, R      -----      FDA & Ors,
FDA, PCSU and      -----      Fimbank Plc v KCH Shipping Co
Fimbank Plc v KCH Shipping Co.,      -----      Fitzpatrick & Ors,
Fitzpatrick & Ors      -----      Flat 2 80
Flat 2 89      -----      Flat 4 Raynham
Flat 4 Rivercourt      -----      Flat 12 Abbotsbury
Flat 12 Burlington      -----      Flat A 19
Flat A 21      -----      Flats 6, 8
Flats 6-24 St      -----      Football Dataco Ltd & Ors v Smoot
Football Dataco Ltd & Ors v Sportradar      -----      Frade & Ors
Fradkina & Ors      -----      Frost v Wake
Frost-Smith & Ors,      -----      FZO v Adams
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G v G      -----      Gaisiance, R (on
Gajewski, Application for      -----      Gassama, R (on
Gastall, R. v      -----      General Medical Council v Sathananthan
General Medical Council v Sheill      -----      Ghuman, Application for
Ghuman v Ghuman      -----      Gladwin v Bogescu
Gladwin, R. v      -----      Gnezele, R (on
Gnitrow Ltd. v      -----      Goodman v Faber
Goodman v Gallant      -----      Graham, R (on
Graham, R. v      -----      Green (Liquidator of
Green v Lord      -----      Griffiths v Welcome
Griffon Shipping LLC      -----      Guildhall College, R
Guilin GFS Monk      -----      Gzimaila v Prosecutor
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H v B      -----      HA (A Child
HA (A Child)      -----      Hall, R (on
Hall, R (On      -----      Hanger Holdings v
Hangzhou Jiudang Asset      -----      Harris & Anor,
Harris & Co,      -----      Hassan, R v
Hassan, R. v      -----      HDR Global Trading
HDS Viscaya AS      -----      Henrikson & Ors
Henriques v Judicial      -----      Hickling v Doshi
Hickling v Persons      -----      Hiscox Syndicates Ltd & Anor v The Pinnacle Ltd & Ors [2008] EWHC 145
Hiscox Syndicates Ltd & Anor v The Pinnacle Ltd & Ors [2008] EWHC 1386      -----      HN v OFSTED
HN (Out of      -----      Holyoake & Anor v Candy & Ors [2017] EWHC 387
Holyoake & Anor v Candy & Ors [2017] EWHC 3397      -----      Houghton, Application for
Houghton v Sheffield      -----      Hudson Contract Services Ltd,
Hudson Contract Services Ltd      -----      Hurst v Bennet
Hurst v Bennett      -----      Hywel Dda University
HZ & Ors,      -----      HZ & Ors,
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I & Anor,      -----      Ilenotuma v Teaching
Iles v Iles      -----      Innes v Information
Innes, R (on      -----      Iqbal, R (On
Iqbal v Solicitors      -----      Izegbu & Anor v Law
Izegbu & Anor v The      -----      Izzet & Anor
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J v E      -----      Jabeen v Lloyds
Jaber v Al      -----      Jamp Pharma Corporation
Jamshidi, R (on      -----      Jemma Trust Company Ltd. v Liptrott & Anor [2002]
Jemma Trust Company Ltd. v Liptrott & Anor (No.2)      -----      Jockey Club Racecourses Ltd v Persons
Jockey Club Racecourses Ltd v Kidby      -----      Jones & Anor v Secretary
Jones & Anor v Mallett      -----      Joujou & Ors
Jovicic & Ors      -----      Justice for Health
Justice Investments Ltd      -----      JZ v Secretary
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K v W      -----      Kadir, R (on
Kadir, R (On      -----      Kaur & Anor, R (On the Application Of) v Birmingham
Kaur & Anor, R (On the Application Of) v The      -----      Kelly & Anor v R
Kelly & Anor v R.      -----      KfW v Singal [2020]
KfW v Singal (Costs)      -----      Khundakji & Anor,
Khunsanong & Anor,      -----      Kinsley v The
Kintyre Ltd v      -----      Knowles & Anor,
Knowles, Application for      -----      Krawczyk v Court
Kray, R. v      -----      Kyrris & Ors
Kyte, R v      -----      Kyzuna Investments Ltd.
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L v S      -----      Lai, R (on
Laib v Aravindan      -----      Langdell v Abbey
Langer v McKeown      -----      Lazari v London
Lazari Properties 2      -----      Legal Services Commission v Aaronson & Anor
Legal Services Commission v Aaronson & Ors      -----      Levinge v Health
Levinson (Valuation Officer)      -----      Lilley v Director
Lilley v DMG      -----      LJR Interiors Ltd
LJY v Person(s)      -----      Lomax v Gosport
Lomax Leisure Ltd.      -----      London Borough of Camden
London Borough of Croydon      -----      London Borough of Southwark
London Borough of Southwark,      -----      Loreley Financing (Jersey) No 30 Ltd v Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Ltd &
Loreley Financing (Jersey) No 30 Ltd v Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Ltd [2022]      -----      Lunn v Antarctic Logistics Centre International (Pty) Ltd [2023]
Lunn v Antarctic Logistics Centre International (Pty) Ltd (No.      -----      LZL v HYC
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M v B      -----      M v MGM
M (minors), Re      -----      Macleod (By His
MacLeod v Mears      -----      Major, R v
Majorboom Ltd v      -----      Manek & Ors v IIFL
Manek & Ors v Wirecard      -----      Markel Bermuda Ltd
Markel Capital Ltd      -----      Masih & Anor
Masih v R      -----      Mayende & Ors,
Mayer Cars And      -----      McDermott, R. v
McDermott v The      -----      McLean & Anor
McLean & Ors      -----      Medway Council v W (2)
Medway Council v W (3)      -----      Merrills v Secretary
Merrills, R (On      -----      Michael Phillips Architects
Michael, R (on      -----      Midland (1967 Act decisions) [2005] EWLVT 240
Midland (1967 Act decisions) [2005] EWLVT 296      -----      Millharbour Management Ltd
Millhouse Capital UK      -----      Mitchell, R (on
Mitchell v Revenue      -----      Mohammad, R (on the application of) v Nursing
Mohammad, R (on the application of) v Secretary      -----      Moore v Moore [2004]
Moore v Moore [2007]      -----      Morshead Mansions Ltd v Mactra
Morshead Mansions Ltd v PJD      -----      Mr and Mrs Szoke
Mr and Mrs Ucheobi      -----      Muizarajs, R (On
Mujahid, R (On      -----      Musa, R. v
Musa v Wickes      -----      MZ (Pakistan) v
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N v D      -----      Naseem (t/a SH
Naseer, R (on      -----      Navig8 PTE Ltd
Navigatgor Equities Ltd      -----      Neurim Pharmaceuticals (1991) Ltd & Anor v Generics (UK) Ltd &
Neurim Pharmaceuticals (1991) Ltd & Anor v Generics (UK) Ltd (T/A      -----      Niagui v Governor
Niazi & Ors,      -----      Noh v London
Nokes v Heart      -----      Northampton Borough Council
Northampton County Council      -----      NT v PM
NT, R v      -----      Nzolameso v City
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O v C      -----      OCC v M
OCC v P      -----      OJSC VTB Bank v Parline Ltd & Ors [2013]
OJSC VTB Bank v Parline Ltd & Ors [2015]      -----      O'Neill, Application to
O'Neill v Avic      -----      Osbourne, R v [2007] EWCA Crim 481 (13 March 2007)
Osbourne, R v [2007] EWCA Crim 481 (13 March 2007)      -----      Ozoemene & Ors
Ozolin v Regional      -----      Ozturk & Ors,
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P v P      -----      Pacurar, R. v
Paczkowski v Regional      -----      Pardoe, R. v
Paredinis v Darius      -----      Patel v Mann
Patel v Minerva      -----      Pearce & Anor,
Pearce & Anor      -----      Perkins & Anor v Devoran
Perkins & Anor v Secretary      -----      PH v A Clinical
PH v A Local      -----      Pilgrim Rock Ltd
Pilgrims Management Company      -----      PLT Ltd v.
Pluciennik, R (On      -----      Porton Capital Technology
Portrait & Anor      -----      Pretoria Energy Company
Pretty v Director      -----      Property Alliance Group Ltd v The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc [2015] EWHC 1557
Property Alliance Group Ltd v The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc [2015] EWHC 3187      -----      PXE v University
PXT v (A      -----      PZX (Anonymity Order
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q v Q      -----      QXB v University
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R. v Deindre-Labiyi      -----      R (on the application of
R (on the application of)      -----      Rahman, R (on
Rahman, R (On      -----      Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority v Azima [2020]
Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority v Azima [2021]      -----      Re Halliburton Energy
Re Halliwells Llp      -----      Regan, R. v
Regan v Taylor      -----      Revenue And Customs
Revenue and Customs      -----      Richards, R (On the Application Of) v The Environment Agency [2021] EWHC 2090
Richards, R (On the Application Of) v The Environment Agency [2021] EWHC 2501      -----      RN, R (On
RN v R.      -----      Rodgers v Leeds
Rodgers, R. v      -----      Rotherham Action Group
Rotherham and Doncaster      -----      RP & Ors
RP (Appeal costs)      -----      Rycroft, R (on
Ryde International Plc      -----      Rzeczkowski v Provincial
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S v S      -----      S, R (on the application of) v London Borough of
S, R (on the application of) v London Borough Of      -----      Saik v R
Saillet, Application for      -----      Sandhar & Kang Ltd v Ijaz [2018] EWHC 3071
Sandhar & Kang Ltd v Ijaz [2018] EWHC 2604      -----      Saunderson & Ors
Saurymper & Anor      -----      Scholten, R (on
Schomberg & Ors      -----      Second Floor Flat 34
Second Floor Flat 45      -----      Secretary of State for the Home Department v HH
Secretary of State for the Home Department v Hicks      -----      Seldon v Clarkson
Seldon Mews, Seldon      -----      Shah & Anor v Ahmed
Shah & Anor v Breed      -----      Shearer v Neal
Shearman (t/a Charles      -----      Shokrollah-Babaee v EFG
Shokrollah-Babaee v Shokrollah-Babae      -----      Simpson v Kensington
Simpson v MGN      -----      Sixteenth Ocean GmbH
SJ & Anor      -----      Smeaton v Equifax Plc [2012]
Smeaton v Equifax Plc [2013]      -----      Smith v Secretary Of
Smith v Secretary of      -----      Solaria Energy UK Ltd v Department for Business
Solaria Energy UK Ltd v Department for Business,      -----      South West Trains
South West Yorkshire      -----      Spink & Anor,
Spink, R (on      -----      St Modwen Developments
ST v North      -----      Stax Claimants v
Stayley Developments Ltd      -----      Stocznia Gdanska S.A.
Stocznia Gdanska SA      -----      Sud v London Borough of Ealing [2013] EWCA Civ 140
Sud v London Borough of Ealing [2013] EWCA Civ 949      -----      Sutcliffe v Secretary
Sutej v Governor      -----      Szatkowski v Regional
Szczerba, R. v      -----      Szymanski v Regional
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T v B      -----      Taiwan Scot Co
Taiwo v Department      -----      Taylor v Director
Taylor v Fairbairn      -----      Telnic Ltd v
Tempest (t/a Cesspool      -----      Thapa, R (On
Thapar v Secretary      -----      The Financial Conduct Authority v Avacade Ltd & Ors [2020]
The Financial Conduct Authority v Avacade Ltd & Ors [2021]      -----      The London Taxi Corporation Ltd (t/a The
The London Taxi Corporation Ltd (t/a the      -----      The Republic of Kazakhstan v Istil Group Inc
The Republic of Kazakhstan v Istil Group Ltd.      -----      Thinc Group Ltd v Armstrong
Thinc Group Ltd v Kingdom      -----      Three Rivers District Council & Ors v The Governor & Company of the Bank of England [2006]
Three Rivers District Council & Ors v The Governor & Company of the Bank of England Rev      -----      TMX, R (On
TN (Afghanistan) &      -----      Towergate 112 Pages
Towergate Financial (Group)      -----      Trevis, R v
Trevone Objectors Group,      -----      Turani & Ors
Turbill & Anor,      -----      TZA, R (On
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
U & Partners(East      -----      Union Marine Classification
Union Music Ltd.      -----      Usherwood, R. v
USK Valley Conservation      -----      Uz-Zaman Munim, R
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
V v V      -----      Various Claimants v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2021]
Various Claimants v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2023]      -----      Vernett-Showers & Ors
Verney-Jackson v OFSTED      -----      VN (Uganda) v
Vneshprombank LLC v      -----      V-Z (Children), Re
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W v H      -----      Waddington, R. v
Wade & Anor      -----      Walsh v Singh
Walsh v Staines      -----      Waters, R. v
Waters, R (On      -----      Weill v Mean
Weiner, R. v      -----      Western Counselling Services
Western Digital Corporation      -----      Whitehall Capital Ltd
Whitehall Court London      -----      William Page &
William Palmer v      -----      Wilson & Ors v
Wilson & Ors ,      -----      Wm Morrison Supermarkets Ltd
Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc      -----      Workman v Forrester
Workman Properties Ltd      -----      Wynes, R. v
Wynn Realisation Ltd      -----      WZ, Re (Placement
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X v A      -----      XA v YA
XACT Skips Ltd,      -----      XZR, Re (Abduction:
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y v Z      -----      Yorkshire Bank Plc
Yorkshire Building Society      -----      YZ, R (On
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z v University      -----      ZEQIRI v. Secretary
Zerei (Samuel), R.      -----      ZZZ v Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2019] EWHC 1642 (QB) (26 June 2019)

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