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United Kingdom Cases

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- v - (Eastern : -) [2013] UKFTT RP_CAM_00KG_LSC_2013_0005 (29 July 2013)      -----      - v - (London : s27A LTA 1985) [2014] UKFTT RP_LON_00AU_LSC_2014_0204
- v - (London : s27A LTA 1985) [2014] UKFTT RP_LON_00AZ_LSC_2014_0012      -----      - v - (Northern : -)
- v - (Northern : An      -----      (1) Kiwi Estates
(1) KLM Property      -----      3 Harold Mews,
3 Hatherley Court,      -----      8 Youngswood Copse,
8-18 Updown Hill,      -----      16 Meads Street,
16 Millfield Park,      -----      25-46 Deanswood, London,
25A & 25      -----      39 Holborn Road,
39 Kingfisher Court,      -----      59 Newton Gardens, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 5DY (Leasehold disputes (management) - Service charges) [2019] UKFTT RP_IR_00CS_LIS_2018_0020
59 Newton Gardens, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 5DY (Leasehold disputes (management) - Service charges) [2019] UKFTT RP_IR_00CS_LIS_2018_0068      -----      101-2002 Raphael House,
101b St. Johns      -----      357-361 Harrow Road,
360 zebra (Trade      -----      [1998] UKSSCSC CI_624_1998
[1998] UKSSCSC CI_1698_1997      -----      [2002] UKSSCSC CIB_1664_2002
[2002] UKSSCSC CIB_1745_2002      -----      [2004] UKSSCSC CIB_790_2004
[2004] UKSSCSC CIB_805_2004      -----      [2006] UKSSCSC CTC_643_2005
[2006] UKSSCSC CTC_1594_2006      -----      [2009] UKUT 48
[2009] UKUT 49      -----      9574565 Canada Inc
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A & A      -----      AA000072010 (unreported) [2010]
AA000172016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      AA006762012 (unreported) [2013]
AA006772012 (unreported) [2013]      -----      AA014262009 (unreported) [2009]
AA014272012 (unreported) [2012]      -----      AA021902013 [2013] UKAITUR
AA021912012 (unreported) [2012]      -----      AA029592013 & ors
AA029602012 (unreported) [2013]      -----      AA037052007 (unreported) [2008]
AA037092012 (unreported) [2013]      -----      AA045092015 [2016] UKAITUR
AA045102011 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      AA051932005 (unreported) [2006]
AA051982005 & AA052102005      -----      AA059512012 [2013] UKAITUR
AA059532005 (unreported) [2007]      -----      AA066662013 [2014] UKAITUR
AA066662015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      AA074542007 & AA074552007
AA074542009 (unreported) [2009]      -----      AA081442012 [2014] UKAITUR
AA081442014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      AA089222006 (unreported) [2009]
AA089232005 (unreported) [2006]      -----      AA097642014 [2015] UKAITUR
AA097662013 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      AA105572008 (unreported) [2012]
AA105572012 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      AA114572012 [2014] UKAITUR
AA114612012 (unreported) [2013]      -----      AA128322006 (unreported) [2008]
AA128372010 (unreported) [2013]      -----      AA150242009 (unreported) [2010]
AA150402010 (unreported) [2011]      -----      Abdullah v The
Abdulrahman Mohamed v.      -----      Adebayo-Orebote v. Sureway Parking Services Ltd [1999]
Adebayo-Orebote v. Sureway Parking Services Ltd [2000]      -----      AH v West London MHT [2010]
AH v West London MHT (J)      -----      Alan Dransfield v IC
Alan Dransfield v Information      -----      Ali v The Information Commissioner [2022]
Ali v The Information Commissioner [2024]      -----      Amberware Ltd v
Ambiaipakan v Revenue      -----      Anglian Windows Limited
Anglian Windows Ltd      -----      Aquilifer Limited v Hazelbright Properties Limited (London : Lease
Aquilifer Limited v Hazelbright Properties Limited (London : Section      -----      Arthur John Fry
Arthur John Mellor      -----      AS023552004 (unreported) [2005]
AS023632004 (unreported) [2004]      -----      AS065562004 (unreported) [2004]
AS065612004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      AS154442004 (unreported) [2005]
AS155122004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      AS474372003 (unreported) [2004]
AS474382003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      AS532612003 (unreported) [2004]
AS532682003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      AS579282003 (unreported) [2005]
AS579312003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      Astbury v Gist Ltd [2005]
Astbury v Gist Ltd [2007]      -----      Avery Label Systems
Averys Ltd (t/a      -----      Azzurro (Trade Mark:
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B & Anor      -----      Bakers Food &
Bakersfield Entertainment Ltd      -----      Barkland Cleaning Ltd
Barkland UK Ltd      -----      Battersby v Ofsted [2018]
Battersby v Ofsted (Childminders      -----      BBC (Other) [2020]
BBC (Other) [2021]      -----      Bell v Registrar
Bell & Anor      -----      Bexley London Borough Council (Decision Notice) [2011] UKICO FS50376406
Bexley London Borough Council (Decision Notice) [2011] UKICO FS50382405      -----      Birmingham City Council (Local government (City council)) [2005]
Birmingham City Council (Local government (City council)) [2007]      -----      Blue Sphere Global Ltd v Revenue & Customs [2008] UKVAT V20694
Blue Sphere Global Ltd v Revenue & Customs [2008] UKVAT V20901      -----      Bottomley & Ors
Bouaka v Home      -----      Brendrey Brothers v
Brenhilda v The      -----      Britannia Med (Trade
Britannia (Trade Mark:      -----      Brophy v Simmonds
Brosch & Ors      -----      Bungalow Caravan Prak,
Bungay & Anor      -----      BZ DR (Risk,
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C & A      -----      Cabinet Office (Central government) [2020] UKICO fs50830858 (7 January 2020)
Cabinet Office (Central government) [2020] UKICO fs50830858 (7 January 2020)      -----      Cabinet Office v ICO
Cabinet Office v Information      -----      Camerons v. Youngs
Camfield & Ors      -----      Caredda v. London
Career Loop (Trade      -----      Catherine Byrne v
Catherine Cookson Charitable      -----      CC187622002 (unreported) [2004]
CC187972003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      CC415312002 (unreported) [2003]
CC415612002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      CC606782002 (unreported) [2003]
CC611952002 (unreported) [2004]      -----      Challacombe's Ltd &
CHALLENGER (Trade Mark:      -----      Chatkhaar (Trade Mark:
Chatten v Glebe      -----      Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Constabulary (Local government) [2024] UKICO 258904
Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Constabulary (Local government) [2024] UKICO 287460      -----      Chrishall Parish Council
CHRISOVALANDIS GEORGIOU (1)      -----      City of York Council (Local government (City council)) [2015] UKICO FS50568088
City of York Council (Local government (City council)) [2015] UKICO FS50568899      -----      CLOUDBET (Trade Mark:
Clouden v London      -----      COLOURS YELLOW BLACK
Colquhoun v. Glasgow      -----      Connell v. James
Connelly v BIFFA      -----      Cornwall Council (Local government) [2021]
Cornwall Council (Local government) [2022]      -----      CQC Cambridge Quantum
CQN RTM Co.      -----      Croydon Health Services NHS Trust v Beatt
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust v Brown      -----      Czikai v Freemantle
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D v E      -----      DA001812021 [2023] UKAITUR
DA001822013 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      DA004582012 (unreported) [2013]
DA004582013 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      DA008432010 (unreported) [2012]
DA008442013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      DA016972013 [2014] UKAITUR
DA017002014 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      Daniel v Homerton Hospital Trust [1998] UKEAT 569_98_1412
Daniel v Homerton Hospital Trust [1998] UKEAT 569_98_1805      -----      Davies v Bridgend
Davies v British      -----      Dean-Verity v Khan
DEAR CHOO (Trade      -----      Department for Communities and Local Government (Central government ) [2015] UKICO FS50571913
Department for Communities and Local Government (Central government ) [2015] UKICO FS50575424      -----      Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Central government ) [2007] UKICO FS50076355
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Central government ) [2007] UKICO FS50078600      -----      Department for Work and Pensions (Central government ) [2008] UKICO FS50155312
Department for Work and Pensions (Central government ) [2008] UKICO FS50165511      -----      Department of Health and Social Care (Central government) [2022] UKICO 138346
Department of Health and Social Care (Central government) [2022] UKICO 141964      -----      Deutsche Borse AG
Deutsche Morgan Grenfell      -----      Diane Cuffie v
Diane Gillespie v      -----      Dominic Faversham Group
Dominic Kennedy v      -----      Dr C Mallon v Markel
Dr C Mallon v MBA      -----      Dransfield v IC
Dransfield v Information      -----      Dunn v Woolworth
Dunnachie v Kingston      -----      Dzineku-Liggison & Ors,
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E . I      -----      EA014382015 [2017] UKAITUR
EA014442020 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      EA034652018 [2019] UKAITUR
EA034662015 & Others      -----      EA060812018 [2019] UKAITUR
EA061042016 & EA095782016      -----      EA099302021 [2022] UKAITUR
EA099692016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      East Coast Trains
East Devon District      -----      ECOVAXXIN (Trade Mark:
ECOWAX (Trade Mark:      -----      EL CORTE INGLES,
EL (Ex-minor, ELR,      -----      EN (abandonment, first
EN and AN      -----      Erskine Beveridge and
Erskine v London      -----      Ewart, et al. v. Cochrane,
Ewart, et al. v. Latta      -----      ezyVet (Trade Mark:
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F & Anor,      -----      Fawzia A. Shuttari
Faye Atkins v      -----      Financial Ombudsman Service (Other) [2021] UKICO IC-54736
Financial Ombudsman Service (Other) [2021] UKICO IC-56089      -----      FLASHPOINT (Trade Mark:
Flat 1 &      -----      Flat 8, 8
Flat 8, 11      -----      Flats 1-7, 11
Flats 1-7 and      -----      Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Central government ) [2016] UKICO FS50611873
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Central government ) [2016] UKICO FS50612787      -----      Forum Bars Cafe
Forum Bioscience Holdings      -----      FRONT PAGE (Trade
Frontier Agriculture Ltd      -----      FZ (human rights
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G & A      -----      Gardner v West
Gardner-Shaw UK Ltd      -----      General Medical Council (Health) [2021]
General Medical Council (Health) [2022]      -----      Gibson, R (on
Gibson v Revenue      -----      GM v Dorset
GM Flooring Contracts      -----      Goswami Shri 108
Goswami Shri Maganlalji      -----      Greater London Authority (Local government (District council)) [2017] UKICO FER0632976
Greater London Authority (Local government (District council)) [2017] UKICO FS50661933      -----      Group One (Mehmood)
Groupama SA v      -----      GZ v Secretary
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H - D      -----      Halton Hospital NHS
Haluk Kozan v      -----      Harendra Lal Roy
Harewood and Upton      -----      Hastings Borough Council (Local government) [2019] UKICO fs50808997
Hastings Borough Council (Local government) [2019] UKICO fs50831994      -----      Healthcare at Home Ltd v Revenue
Healthcare at Home Ltd v The      -----      Herbert Read Ltd
Herbert v Revenue      -----      Highways England (Central government) [2018] UKICO fs50707381
Highways England (Central government) [2018] UKICO fs50711881      -----      HM Revenue and Customs (Central government) [2021] UKICO IC-74465
HM Revenue and Customs (Central government) [2021] UKICO IC-88829      -----      HOLTON CONFORM (Trade
Holvey [1996] UKEAT      -----      Home Office (Central government) [2023] UKICO 245395
Home Office (Central government) [2023] UKICO 246480      -----      Hosie v North
Hosking v Revenue      -----      HR004672004 (unreported) [2006]
HR004732006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      HS2 Ltd (Other) [2019] UKICO fer0839216
HS2 Ltd (Other) [2019] UKICO fs50810190      -----      HU014892018 [2019] UKAITUR
HU014922017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      HU030172017 [2018] UKAITUR
HU030242015 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      HU045182018 & HU045202018
HU045222019 [2020] UKAITUR      -----      HU060062019 [2020] UKAITUR
HU060092019 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU075912015 [2018] UKAITUR
HU075922019 [2020] UKAITUR      -----      HU091032015 [2018] UKAITUR
HU091122017 & Ors.      -----      HU108322016 & Ors.
HU108332019 [2020] UKAITUR      -----      HU124702016 [2020] UKAITUR
HU124782019 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      HU143452018 [2019] UKAITUR
HU143452018 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      HU166352016 [2018] UKAITUR
HU166382016 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU190622016 [2018] UKAITUR
HU190672018 [2020] UKAITUR      -----      HU229452018 & Ors.
HU229482016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      Hughes v. Jones (t/a Plas-Y-Bryn Nursing Home) [2000]
Hughes v. Jones (t/a Plas-Y-Bryn Nursing Home) [2001]      -----      HX001262007 (unreported) [2008]
HX001272006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      HX023522004 (unreported) [2005]
HX023592005 (unreported) [2006]      -----      HX051372003 (unreported) [2004]
HX051502003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX086902001 (unreported) [2004]
HX086922003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX119892003 (unreported) [2003]
HX119972002 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX157242003 (unreported) [2004]
HX157272002 (unreported) [2004]      -----      hx195692004 (unreported) [2006]
HX195792003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX235102003 (unreported) [2003]
HX235232002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX276012003 (unreported) [2004]
HX276162003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX313922003 (unreported) [2004]
HX314112001 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX351262002 (unreported) [2004]
HX351312003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX391022002 (unreported) [2003]
hx391082003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX428312003 (unreported) [2004]
HX428422003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX467412002 (unreported) [2003]
HX467472001 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX502092002 (unreported) [2004]
HX502152003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX528562003 (unreported) [2004]
HX528642003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX556862002 (unreported) [2005]
HX556932002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX585632003 (unreported) [2005]
HX585752002 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX616352003 (unreported) [2005]
HX616482003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX647122003 (unreported) [2004]
HX647182003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX699912002 (unreported) [2004]
HX699922002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HYPERCAT (Trade Mark:
HYPERDOT (Trade Mark:      -----      HZ470802001 (unreported) [2004]
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I (A Child),      -----      IA005952014 [2014] UKAITUR
IA005962006 (unreported) [2006]      -----      IA014362015 [2015] UKAITUR
IA014362021 [2022] UKAITUR      -----      IA022772021 [2022] UKAITUR
IA022792006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      IA031512009 (unreported) [2009]
ia03153-2006 & THRASHER      -----      IA042582021 [2022] UKAITUR
IA042602012 (unreported) [2012]      -----      IA05393 & 2006
IA053932014 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      IA064992014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA065032013 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      IA076092009 (unreported) [2009]
IA076112015 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      IA087952009 (unreported) [2009]
IA087972013 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      IA099762006 (unreported) [2008]
IA099782014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      IA111972014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA112002011 (unreported) [2011]      -----      IA124962014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA125002008 (unreported) [2008]      -----      IA138112014 [2014] UKAITUR
IA138192010 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA14982011 (unreported) [2011]
IA149822006 (unreported) [2008]      -----      IA163442014 [2016] UKAITUR
IA163592008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      IA177562015 & IA177592015
IA177572012 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      IA191262014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA191292014 & Ors.      -----      IA205982008 (unreported) [2009]
IA206052011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      IA219862011 (unreported) [2012]
IA219882007 (unreported) [2008]      -----      IA235522014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA235562009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA252362012 [2013] UKAITUR
IA252412013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      IA269632011 (unreported) [2012]
IA269672011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      IA287362012 [2013] UKAITUR
IA287362014 & Ors.      -----      IA305562015 [2018] UKAITUR
IA305642015 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      IA326332011 (unreported) [2012]
IA326342015 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      IA343142015 [2018] UKAITUR
IA343162013 & IA343792013      -----      IA363762014 [2016] UKAITUR
IA363942014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      IA392352014 [2016] UKAITUR
IA392392010 & IA394992010      -----      IA425322014 [2016] UKAITUR
IA425452014 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA460992013 [2014] UKAITUR
IA461032014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      IA500782013 & Ors.
IA500802014 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      ICTS (UK) Ltd v Visram (Rev
ICTS (UK) Ltd v Visram (Unfair      -----      IM062652004 (unreported) [2005]
IM062662004 (unreported) [2006]      -----      im205112004 (unreported) [2006]
IM205212004 (unreported) [2006]      -----      IN THE PIPELINE
INA Research Inc      -----      Inland Revenue v Miller
Inland Revenue v National      -----      IS (Risk, Conviction
IS v Secretary      -----      Izzet v Revenue
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J & A      -----      Jaguar Land Rover Limited v Myrtle
Jaguar Land Rover Limited v Parvez      -----      Janin Caribbean Construction
Janine Gateland v      -----      JJ Food Service
JJ v JJ      -----      John Martin Holdings
John Martin v      -----      Jones v Revenue & Customs [2014] UKFTT 1082
Jones v Revenue & Customs [2014] UKFTT 1122      -----      Judicial Appointments Commission (Central government) [2022] UKICO 181733
Judicial Appointments Commission (Central government) [2022] UKICO 181735      -----      JZ (Procedure, Adjudicators,
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K & K      -----      Kaul v Ministry
Kaul v The      -----      Kent Police (Police and criminal justice) [2018] UKICO fs50728054
Kent Police (Police and criminal justice) [2018] UKICO fs50733724      -----      Kimpton & Anor
Kimpton v. Hammersmith      -----      KM v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2013]
KM v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Child      -----      Kunwar Muhammad Abdul
Kunwar Partab Singh      -----      KZ v The
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L & B      -----      Lambeth London Borough Council (Local government) [2023] UKICO 194704
Lambeth London Borough Council (Local government) [2023] UKICO 229533      -----      Law v Pace
Law Print and      -----      Legal Services Commission (Police and criminal justice ) [2007] UKICO FS50072941
Legal Services Commission (Police and criminal justice ) [2007] UKICO FS50100139      -----      LH v Secretary for
LH v Secretary of      -----      Little v Richmond
Little Star (Trade      -----      London Ambulance Service NHS Trust (Health) [2019]
London Ambulance Service NHS Trust (Health) [2022]      -----      London Borough of Islington v. Collins [1999] UKEAT 3_99_0902
London Borough of Islington v. Collins [1999] UKEAT 3_99_0907      -----      London Underground Ltd v
London Underground Ltd v.      -----      LT Cleaning Services
Lt. Col. S      -----      LZ (homosexuals) Zimbabwe
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M & Anor      -----      Mackintosh v Information
Mackintosh and Grosvenor      -----      Major-General Robertson of Lude v. His
Major-General Robertson of Lude v. John,      -----      Marcic v. Thames
MARCO POLO (Trade      -----      Martin Pickard (trustee
Martin, R v.      -----      Mayer v British
Mayer, Yaron (Patent)      -----      McKinley & Anor
McKinney v London      -----      Megtian Ltd v
Megwa v Revenue      -----      Metroline Travel Ltd v Stoute
Metroline Travel Ltd v Taylor      -----      Michael Howard Associates
Michael Ian Rooke      -----      Mills & Allen Ltd v. Bulwich [1999]
Mills & Allen Ltd v. Bulwich [2000]      -----      Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (Central government) [2020] UKICO fs50843756
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (Central government) [2020] UKICO fs50864736      -----      Ministry of Justice (Decision Notice) [2011] UKICO FS50323136
Ministry of Justice (Decision Notice) [2011] UKICO FS50326224      -----      Miss A Hatton
Miss A Hawkes      -----      Miss A Zduniak
Miss A Zubor      -----      Miss C Healy
Miss C Heaney      -----      Miss D Brent
Miss D Brown      -----      Miss E Harvey-Hawes
Miss E Harwood      -----      Miss G Matts
Miss G McCormaick      -----      Miss J Ashton
Miss J Ashwin      -----      Miss J Sharpe
Miss J Shaw      -----      Miss K Marples
Miss K Marriage      -----      Miss L Fogg
Miss L Forrester      -----      Miss M A Idris
Miss M A Watson      -----      Miss M Slupecka-Grabarz
Miss M Smart      -----      Miss N Williams
Miss N Wing      -----      Miss R Kearns
Miss R Kelly      -----      Miss S Ezeadum
Miss S F      -----      Miss S Smallwood
Miss S Smith      -----      Miss W Wojt
Miss W Y      -----      MODESTO & Jr
Modgil v Indian      -----      Moreton Frewen v
Moreton-in-Marsh Town Council      -----      Mr A Adams
Mr A Adcock      -----      Mr A Chalkowski v Bidvest Noonan (UK) Ltd (England and Wales : Unfair Dismissal) [2022]
Mr A Chalkowski v Bidvest Noonan (UK) Ltd (England and Wales : Unfair Dismissal) [2023]      -----      Mr A Gillespie
Mr A Gilmour      -----      Mr A Kelly v Bluebird
Mr A Kelly v K      -----      Mr A Murphy v Tamesis
Mr A Murphy v Tart      -----      Mr A Saleem
Mr A Saleh      -----      Mr A White v Swissport
Mr A White v T2      -----      Mr B Broadhead
Mr B Brooks      -----      Mr B Owen v Newmoor
Mr B Owen v Wrexham      -----      Mr C Bethune
Mr C Binnie      -----      Mr C Hinett
Mr C Hinge      -----      Mr C Payne v John
Mr C Payne v Virgin      -----      Mr C Worrall
Mr C Worthington      -----      Mr D Carlisle
Mr D Carmichael      -----      Mr D Hardy v Futureform
Mr D Hardy v South      -----      Mr D Mannion
Mr D Mansell      -----      Mr D Rixon
Mr D Roaf      -----      Mr D Williamson v Russell
Mr D Williamson v Wm      -----      Mr E McHenry v Kesgrave
Mr E McHenry v Members      -----      Mr F Scott
Mr F Sherwood      -----      Mr G Gannon
Mr G Gardner      -----      Mr G Power
Mr G Powley      -----      Mr H Belinskis
Mr H Bell      -----      Mr I Calder
Mr I Campbell      -----      Mr Indrajeet Lalbeharry
Mr IO Balogun      -----      Mr J Clayton and
Mr J Clayton v      -----      Mr J Goodman v Repair
Mr J Goodman v West      -----      Mr J L Kravitz
Mr J L Ritchie      -----      Mr J Odiase
Mr J Officer      -----      Mr J Smith
Mr J Smithson      -----      Mr Jerold Schneider
Mr Jerry Ogbonna      -----      Mr K Greaves v Total Controlled Demolition Services Ltd (England and Wales : Unfair
Mr K Greaves v Total Controlled Demolition Services Ltd (England and Wales : Unlawful      -----      Mr K Ramezany
Mr K Raptopoulos      -----      Mr L Clayton
Mr L Cleary      -----      Mr L Redikin
Mr L Redman      -----      Mr M Bah v Cordant
Mr M Bah v London      -----      Mr M Da Costa
Mr M Da Silva      -----      Mr M Harris v Automatic
Mr M Harris v Colchester      -----      Mr M Langley v FDM
Mr M Langley v Proteus      -----      Mr M Patel v DSG
Mr M Patel v First      -----      Mr M Spencer v Altius
Mr M Spencer v Balfour      -----      Mr Mark Emblem
Mr Mark Grogan      -----      Mr N Garside
Mr N Gayle      -----      Mr N Taylor v Stephen
Mr N Taylor v Stevenage      -----      Mr OS Dulay
Mr Osasere Osakue      -----      Mr P Elliott
Mr P Ellis      -----      Mr P McArthur
Mr P McCaffrey      -----      Mr P Taylor v Department
Mr P Taylor v Ecm      -----      Mr R Ayliffe
Mr R Ayree      -----      Mr R Fray
Mr R Frewer      -----      Mr R Matthews
Mr R Maughan      -----      Mr R Stanger
Mr R Staniforth      -----      Mr S Ainsworth
Mr S Aitken      -----      Mr S Crewe
Mr S Crimu      -----      Mr S Hingston
Mr S Hirst      -----      Mr S McGlynn v Greater Glasgow And
Mr S McGlynn v Greater Glasgow and      -----      Mr S Ruparelia
Mr S Rush      -----      Mr S Wright
Mr S Wyatt      -----      Mr T Flynn
Mr T Fontana      -----      Mr T Singh v Royal
Mr T Singh v Sandwell      -----      Mr W Jones v Darwingrove
Mr W Jones v Tata      -----      Mr Z Misiuda v Cleaner Communities Ltd (England and Wales : Breach of Contract) [2020]
Mr Z Misiuda v Cleaner Communities Ltd (England and Wales : Breach of Contract) [2021]      -----      Mrs A Llwyd
Mrs A Lodh      -----      Mrs B Duffy
Mrs B Duque      -----      Mrs C Jennings v Drewmark
Mrs C Jennings v Yorkshire      -----      Mrs D Cowan
Mrs D Cropper      -----      Mrs E Garwell
Mrs E Gibb      -----      Mrs G Gutteridge
Mrs G Hadland      -----      Mrs I Carpenter
Mrs I Chan      -----      Mrs J Hollingdrake
Mrs J Hollis      -----      Mrs J Wainwright
Mrs J Waite      -----      Mrs K McCarthy
Mrs K McCartney      -----      Mrs L Hanlon
Mrs L Hardie      -----      Mrs LJ Scriven
Mrs LL Buse      -----      Mrs M McPhail
Mrs M McStay      -----      Mrs N Kaminska v Healthier
Mrs N Kaminska v Your      -----      Mrs R Ayub
Mrs R Azeem      -----      Mrs S Bruce
Mrs S Bryan      -----      Mrs S Nelson
Mrs S Newell      -----      Mrs T Hewett
Mrs T Highfield      -----      Ms A Beveridge
Ms A Bibi      -----      Ms A Pye
Ms A R      -----      Ms C Balfourth
Ms C Banwell      -----      Ms C Warren
Ms C Wass      -----      Ms E Arko
Ms E Arrighi      -----      Ms F Mohan
Ms F Nasir      -----      Ms I Allan
Ms I Allen      -----      Ms J Lodge
Ms J Longmore      -----      Ms K Douglas
Ms K Downes      -----      Ms L Fieldsend
Ms L Figureau      -----      Ms M Brown
Ms M Bryan      -----      Ms M S V
Ms M S Randall      -----      Ms Nicola Herring
Ms Nicole Butler      -----      Ms R Moran
Ms R Mosca      -----      Ms S Holman
Ms S Holroyd      -----      Ms S Yardley
Ms S Yellowlees      -----      Ms Y Marshall v Greenhill
Ms Y Marshall v The      -----      Musammat Dan Kuer
Musammat Dilafroz and      -----      MZ v SSWP
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N & M      -----      National Blood Authority
National Business Register      -----      Neil Gilliatt v
Neil Hockin v      -----      Next Distribution Ltd
Next Generation International      -----      Nicholas Wenzal Priedel
Nicholas Wood and      -----      Norman Carless &
Norman Clyde Oakes      -----      Northern Ireland Housing
Northern Ireland Human      -----      NT v Secretary
NT store MANAGER      -----      NZXT (Trade Mark:
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O & A      -----      OA022022014 [2015] UKAITUR
OA022072009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      OA047632011 (unreported) [2012]
OA047632014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      OA073662012 (unreported) [2013]
OA073712011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      OA100642015 & Ors.
OA100672014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      OA130982014 [2016] UKAITUR
OA131052006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      OA164032012 [2014] UKAITUR
OA164112013 & OA164122013      -----      OA200022013 [2015] UKAITUR
OA-20012-2006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      OA242992012 [2014] UKAITUR
OA243032011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      OA308232007 (unreported) [2008]
OA308472009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      OA418042009 (unreported) [2010]
OA418292006 (unreported) [2008]      -----      OA538052007 (unreported) [2008]
OA538212009 (unreported) [2011]      -----      OA715392008 (unreported) [2010]
OA715612008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      Office for Nuclear Regulation (Central government
Office for Nuclear Regulation (Central government)      -----      Olive Business Solutions
Olive Casey Jaundoo      -----      Orchard & Anor v Mooney &
Orchard & Anor v Mooney (LANDLORD      -----      Oxfordshire County Council (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50490278
Oxfordshire County Council (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50496757      -----      Ozsanlav v. Swift
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P & A      -----      PA004892019 [2019] UKAITUR
PA004912016 & PA026472015      -----      PA012572016 [2017] UKAITUR
PA012602017 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      PA020522019 [2019] UKAITUR
PA020542015 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA028562015 [2016] UKAITUR
PA028562015 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      PA036732018 [2019] UKAITUR
PA036742019 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA046052019 [2021] UKAITUR
PA046062016 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      PA056102017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA056102018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA067072016 [2018] UKAITUR
PA067082018 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA076682017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA076692017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA086022016 [2018] UKAITUR
PA086042019 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      PA096082017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA096102019 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      PA106722017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA106742018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA117122017 [2019] UKAITUR
PA117172018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA127292017 [2019] UKAITUR
PA127292018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA141392016 [2017] UKAITUR
PA141392018 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      Parkinson v March
Parkinson v Ministry      -----      Paul Weeks v
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind,      -----      Pericleous v Revenue
Peries & Anor      -----      Phillips v Revenue & Customs [2011]
Phillips v Revenue & Customs (CAPITAL      -----      Playboy Enterprises International Inc v Hughes [2006]
Playboy Enterprises International Inc v Hughes [2007]      -----      Portland of Bawtry
Portland Properties Ltd      -----      Preston v. Johnston & Anor (t/a Tom Henry's Restaurant) [1999]
Preston v. Johnston & Anor (t/a Tom Henry's Restaurant) [2000]      -----      Public Prosecutions Service for Northern Ireland (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50426636
Public Prosecutions Service for Northern Ireland (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50426637      -----      PZD (Trade Mark:
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q and Q      -----      Q-ZAR (Trade Mark:
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R . A      -----      Rai Radha Krishna
Rai Raghu Nath      -----      Ramos v Nottinghamshire Women's Aid Ltd & Anor [2024]
Ramos v Nottinghamshire Women's Aid Ltd & Anor (Re      -----      Real Pet Food
Real Time Civil      -----      REMUS (stylised) (Trade
REMUS (Trade Mark:      -----      Revetts House, 59-63
Revi v Customs      -----      RITU (Trade Mark:
Rituals Cosmetics UK      -----      Robertson v. Ward
Robertson v Webb,      -----      Ross v Bank
Ross v Commissioners      -----      Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (Decision
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust v      -----      Rubenstein & Anor (t/a McGuffies Dispensing Chemists) v McGloughlin (No 1)
Rubenstein & Anor (t/a McGuffies Dispensing Chemists) v McGloughlin (No 2)      -----      RZ (Eurodac, fingerprint
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S v Information      -----      Sakharkar v Northern
Saki Soft Ltd      -----      Sarwar & Sons
Sarwar v OFSTED      -----      Scottish Australian Mining
Scottish Borders Council      -----      Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v DP
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v DS      -----      Serious Fraud Office (Decision Notice) [2010]
Serious Fraud Office (Decision Notice) [2011]      -----      Shearer Candles Ltd
Shearer v. Cooper      -----      Shropshire County Council (Decision Notice) [2010]
Shropshire County Council (Decision Notice) [2011]      -----      Sinha v Doncaster
Sinking Fund v      -----      SLIMWEAR (Trade Mark:
Slingo v A      -----      SO, R (on
SO v Secretary      -----      South Kent College
South Kesteven District      -----      Space Investments Ltd
Space Maker Storage      -----      Srimati Renula Bose
Srimati Sarat Kumari      -----      Stamford Town Council (Decision Notice) [2011] UKICO FS50401846
Stamford Town Council (Decision Notice) [2011] UKICO FS50413968      -----      Stevens v Katherine
Stevens v Mullaley      -----      Subbarayer and others
Subbrayan (t/a Swiss      -----      Sussex Police (Police and criminal justice) [2019] UKICO fs50809862
Sussex Police (Police and criminal justice) [2019] UKICO fs50838217      -----      Synthite Ltd v Business
Synthite Ltd v Christopher      -----      Szymusik v Revenue
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T v Royal      -----      Taurus (Trade Mark:
Taurusbuild Ltd &      -----      TERRAPIN (Trade Mark:
TERRAPODS (Trade Mark:      -----      TH059422003 (unreported) [2004]
TH059472004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      TH447202003 (unreported) [2004]
TH448182002 (unreported) [2004]      -----      Thakur Debi Singh &
Thakur Debi Singh and      -----      The Benares Bank
The Bengal Nagpur      -----      The Commissioners For
The Commissioners for      -----      The Great Escape
The Great Gable      -----      The Medical Defence
The Medical House      -----      The Queen v Murphy
The Queen v Murugan      -----      The Trust Company
The Trust Loan      -----      Thomas Watson, W.S.,
Thomas Webster, Merchant      -----      TLC Training (Trade
TLLC Ltd v      -----      Trader Publishing Ltd
Traderco Ltd v      -----      Trotman v. Tower
Trotter v. Grattan      -----      Tzu-Tsai Cheng v.
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
U & Ors      -----      UI2022002858 [2023] UKAITUR
UI2022002868 & Ors      -----      UI2022006037 & Ors
UI2022006040 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2023001059 [2023] UKAITUR
UI2023001060 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2023002854 [2024] UKAITUR
UI2023002861 & Ors      -----      UI2023004604 [2024] UKAITUR
UI2023004607 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2024000549 [2024] UKAITUR
UI2024000550 & Ors      -----      UI2024002631 [2024] UKAITUR
UI2024002641 [2024] UKAITUR      -----      Umra (Reasons) v
Umrao Begam v      -----      University of Exeter (Education) [2021]
University of Exeter (Education) [2022]      -----      Uzzaman v The
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
V & J      -----      VA090002009 (unreported) [2009]
VA090492009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      VA230202008 (unreported) [2008]
VA230452008 (unreported) [2008]      -----      VA45895-06 (unreported) [2007]
VA459852010 (unreported) [2013]      -----      Various blocks, estates
Various flats at      -----      VINA SAN PEDRO,
Vinalith Ltd v      -----      VV012182003 (unreported) [2003]
VV012302004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      VV090142003 (unreported) [2005]
VV090162004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      Vytia Sitanna v
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W v Interserve      -----      Wandsworth Council (Local government (District council)) [2015]
Wandsworth Council (Local government (District council)) [2017]      -----      Weait v Information
Weald Leasing Ltd      -----      West Mercia Police
West Middlesex Hospitals      -----      While v Revenue
Whiley v. Christopher      -----      William, Duke of
William Duke of      -----      Wilson & Garden
Wilson & IA-01742-2006      -----      WN Hillas &
WN (Risk, Kikiu,      -----      Wright, R (on
Wright v Revenue      -----      Wytrzyszczewski v British
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X v A      -----      XYZ v Midland
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y & Anor      -----      YZ v Secretary
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z v Y      -----      ZZZZZ (Trade Mark: Opposition) [1998] UKIntelP o05498 (9 March 1998)

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